
Since I am new to this whole mommy online blog community thingy, I have noticed a few things.
I am NOT like a lot of the other mothers. I am not sure how you would describe me. I am not a cloth using, lactating, natural birth, crunchy, all green save the earth kinda gal.

There is nothing wrong with that but I don't fit the mold. I did not make my own baby food. I had 3 C-Sections. (2 were emergencies), but would not have it any other way!! I pumped my milk for a month with my first, and 2 weeks with my second, while they were in the NICU. Third child was the only one that would of caught on quickly, but I wanted to be able to sleep. Selfish of me, don't you think??

There is nothing wrong with that lifestyle, it is just not me. I almost feel like a leper, cause I don't fit that mold.