Dominic is my last little baby. He was a pleasant surprise. We were not expecting to have 3 kids. Not in the plan at all!! He defied all the odds at the beginning. (Will talk about birthing experience in another post). He was born @ 37 weeks weighing in at 7 pounds 1oz and 21 inches long.
Dominic is the only child, that I got to see right away after my C-Section. What a difference that makes. I truly believe in the maternal bond with baby, right after childbirth. Something I did not experience with my other 2 children.
Dominic is my baby that LOVES to cuddle. I love it, as my other children did not like it at all. Now that Dominic is almost 3, he is starting to get a character to himself. As I mentioned Nicholas is doing a lot better, well Dominic picked up where he left off, twenty fold. He is also very small, but boy oh boy, does he have spunk. He is slowly developing his character, and quite frankly right now it stinks, so I can't say much positive at the moment. I will change the post, when he gets an attitude adjustment.
Dominic as a baby was very weary of strangers, and did not enjoy when they would approach him. Dominic has a little mean streak right now, and hits and slaps and bites his siblings. Something I have never had to deal with, with the other 2.
Dominic loves the color blue, and love Buzz Light Year and McQueen. Heck he likes everything his brother and sister have!